How does it work?

Two giants fans

SkyVenture's 1200 horsepower fan system generates freefall-speed wind of over 150mph, in a safe and comfortable environment!

Four 300 horsepower fans circulate air around the interior of the structure, generating the same wind speed at which skydivers feel during freefall. By learning to position yourself to balance on this airflow, you'll learn to fly your body the way skydivers do, close to mother earth and in view of your friends and family!

Two fans are located on each side of the top level of the building. Wind is generated away from the center, flowing down the sides of the return air towers, and into the basement. From there, it transitions toward the center, where both flows are joined together and proceed upward. At this point the wind measures approximately 30mph.

As the wind travels upward, it passes through the inlet contractor, which narrows the path to 12 feet in diameter. Physics tells us that by narrowing the opening, air speed increases. Before reaching the flight chamber, the wind has reached upwards of 120mph!

Plexiglas through which the flyer is visible to spectators surrounds the lower flight chamber. Above that is the diffuser, which gradually increases in diameter before the wind is turned outwards to the fans. This slows the airflow near the top and is one of the safety features of SkyVenture wind tunnels, helping beginning flyers to stay in a safe position within the flight chamber.

While other tunnels take in all the air from the outside, ours re-circulates the air as described in order to reduce noise and to maintain a comfortable temperature inside. The return air towers have louver doors These doors can be opened to allow whatever amount of fresh air is required to keep the tunnel cool during warmer times.

Professional wind tunnel engineers from organizations such as NASA designed SkyVenture’s tunnels. It's the most efficient design in the world, with a smooth interior laminar flow, which makes SkyVenture often referred to as "an airplane, turned inside-out!"

Getting in and out

Don't worry about a fear of heights, jumping, or falling. You'll start flying only feet above the ground, within arm's reach of a highly trained instructor.

The setup is simple. There is a 12-foot (3.66m) diameter tunnel that has two open doorways into the staging area, which can seat up to 12 people. Inside the flight chamber is the invisible airflow.

The flight chamber has a trampoline-like floor made from super-strong aircraft cable, which you can walk and rest your body on.

To enter the tunnel, you'll stand in the open doorway and lean forward while your instructor guides you in. You'll begin to feel the wind help support your body, and you'll be assisted into a neutral flying position as you are introduced to the basic maneuvers.

To leave the tunnel, you'll be guided back to the doorway, take a grip on the sides, stand up and you are back in the staging area. In goes the next person and you all shuffle up until it’s your turn again.

Next: Who can fly?

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